Teachers: Paula Kinnunen (M-W), Nicole Harding (M-Th), Bernadette Baird (Th)
Aides: Bernadette Baird (M-W), Natalie Kourkoulakos (Th)
Contact: 4 Day Yellow Room Teachers
SHOW AND TELL- First Monday of the month unless otherwise noted.
POCKET ABC- Every week on Thursday. Have your child bring a small item from home that starts with the letter of the week.
Myster Reader- Surprise your child by reading a story to the class! Speak to teachers at drop off or pick up or email your teachers to schedule a day/time.
Volunteers- Monday is our volunteer day and we use a Sign-up Genius to sign up but feel free to contact teachers to arrange a day if Mondays don’t work.
4 Day Yellow Room Volunteer Sign-up